Information and resources for settings to support children with speech, language and communication needs.

C&I - Alternative Methods of Communication
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to help me to communicate using objects, pictures and words and/or via technology
C&I - Attention & Listening and Understanding Language
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to help me understand spoken and written language
C&I - College and Employment
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to support me at college
C&I - CPD Opportunities to Support CYP with Communication and Interaction Difficulties
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Information about a range of learning opportunities for those who support young people with communication needs. 
C&I - Creating a Communication Friendly Environment
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to create opportunities for all children and young people to develop their communication skills, listen, understand, talk and take part across the school day
C&I - Curriculum Advice
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to support me within each topic of the curriculum
C&I - Emotional Regulation, Behaviour and Anxiety
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to help me regulate my emotions, understand and interact with others and engage in school activities
C&I - Learning and Study Skills
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to help me access learning, complete homework and prepare for exams
C&I - Managing the School Day and Everyday Transitions
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to help me understand routines and prepare for events and changes
C&I - Occupational Therapy and Sensory Regulation
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to help me develop my fine and gross motor skills and manage my sensory needs
C&I - Overview of the C&I Team
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Information you need to know to access the services of the C&I team
C&I - Sharing Ideas and Communicating with Others
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to help me share my ideas and communicate with others
C&I - Social Communication
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to help me use language for different purposes, interact with people in different situations, converse and build or maintain social relationships
C&I - Speech, Fluency and Phonological Awareness
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to support my difficulties with speech intelligibility, voice quality and phonological awareness
C&I - Transition to New Settings - School, College and Work
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Strategies to help me prepare for new situations and settings
C&I - Understanding a Diagnosis
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
Information to understand a diagnosis of an SEN within the umbrella term Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)
C&I - Vocabulary
Communication and Interaction Toolkit for Settings
 Strategies to help me understand, learn and use vocabulary